Lake Manyara
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Lake Manyara National Park
Flamingo and pelican on the lake
Lush vegetation on the cliffs of the Great Rift Valley
Tree-climbing lion
Lake Manyara National Park stretches along the cliffs of the Great Rift Valley. It is made up for the most part of Lake Manyara itself and a riparian strip, situated between the lake and the rift valley cliff face.
Covering just 330 km², the park is relatively small, but it is extremely lush and diverse. It is situated approximately two hours from Arusha on the way to the Ngorongoro Crater. The main entrance is located at Mto wa Mbu village, from where the majority of guests visit just the northern part of the park.

The southern part of the park, on the other hand, has little traffic, and visitors are pretty much alone here.
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