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Over 2500 km of coastline
Islands of Bazaruto & Quirimba Archipelagos
Perfect spot to relax after a brilliant safari
With its pristine beaches and ideal bathing spots, Mozambique is the perfect destination to round off an eventful safari experience.
The coastline stretches for over 2500 km from the border of South Africa to the Rovuma River, which marks the Tanzanian border. Several offshore islands cluster to form the Bazaruto Archipelago near Vilanculos in the south, and the Quirimbas Archipelago near Pemba in the north.

Mozambique has several wildlife reserves, including the Transfrontier Park, which shares a border with the Kruger NP, and Gorongosa NP and Niassa NP in the North. Mozambique’s future lies in offering the perfect safari/beach combination.
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Parks and areas
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Discover our trips
We have compiled some travel examples that give you a good idea of what we offer and what such trips cost.
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Discover our accommodation
We choose our accommodation carefully and only recommend places that add real value to your journey.
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Popular journeys
Beach Bliss Kisawa Sanctuary
7 nights
from CHF 17,908.- per person
7 nights Beach Bliss Kisawa Sanctuary
Benguerra Island

Benguerra Island is one of the Bazaruto Archipelago islands, reachable from Johannesburg by plane in two hours. From Vilankulos, the gateway to the archipelago, it is only a 10 minute helicopter flight to the island - the friendly Kisawa team is already expecting you.

7 nights Kisawa Sanctuary, Benguerra Island
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Fly-In Safari Cape, Kruger NP & Beach
12 nights
from CHF 14,182.- per person
12 nights Fly-In Safari Cape, Kruger NP & Beach
Capetown, Kruger National Park, Mozambique

Mother City Capetown, Big-5 in Kruger National Park and beach life in Mozambique

3 nights Kensington Place, Cape Town
3 nights Londolozi Tree Camp, Sabi Sand, Kruger
5 nights Benguerra Lodge, Benguerra Island
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Private Charter Desert, Delta & Beach
21 nights
from CHF 47,650.- per person
21 nights Private Charter Desert, Delta & Beach
South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Mozambique

3 nights Tswalu Motse, Tswalu Private Game Reserve
2 nights Little Kulala, Sossusvlei
2 nights Serra Cafema, Kunene - Kaokoveld
3 nights Mombo & Little Mombo, Moremi Game Reserve
2 nights Mpala Jena Camp, Zambezi River
4 nights Singita Pamushana, Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve
5 nights Kisawa Sanctuary, Benguerra Island

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