Nyungwe Forest
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Nyungwe Forest
Africa's largest mountain rainforest
Chimpanzees and Riwenzori Colobus Monkeys
Living on a tea plantation
Nyungwe Forest is Africa's largest mountain rainforest (970 km²) and was only declared a national park in 2004. The biodiversity in Nyungwe Forest is remarkable with 75 mammals and hundreds of species of birds and plants, some of which are endemic. Mammals include chimpanzees and Riwenzori colobus monkeys, which can be visited on an adventurous hike.
Nyungwe Forest is located on the western foothills of the East African Rift Valley (Albertine Rift), whose rift flanks, up to 3000 meters high, cross the country from north to south. The Nyungwe Forest is a so-called cloud forest with over 2000 mm of rain per year, therefore always green and a proper jungle.
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