Kidepo Valley
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Kidepo Valley
The Serengeti of Uganda
Remote and pristine
Traditional tribes of the Karimajong and the Ik
Kidepo Valley National Park is the most secluded and pristine wildlife sanctuary in Uganda.
The park is considered one of the best places in Uganda to experience Africa's unique wildlife up close: giraffe, zebra, elephant, lion, cheetah, large herds of buffalo, waterbuck, oribi, warthog and an endless number of bird species transform the region into a safari paradise.

Culturally, the region is also unique and seems to have sprung from another time and world. The Karimajong and Ik tribes still live here in their very traditional way of life, characterized by myths and rituals.

Since the park is very remote, far in the north of Uganda on the border with Sudan, access can be difficult and costly. There are flights from Entebbe and Murchison NP, but at quite steep prices and unfortunately not scheduled on a daily basis.

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